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4 Key Tips to Tackle Your Fear of Speaking Up

4 Key Tips to Tackle Your Fear of Speaking Up

Speaking up, or being in the spotlight sounds like a terrifying thought for a lot of people. A reasonable amount of studies point out that the fear of public speaking often ranks up above other common fears such as heights or spiders and even death. Crazy, right? As...
How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Previously we have discussed why “faking it till you make it” is just a temporary solution when it comes to dealing with impostor syndrome (you can find that blog post **HERE**) In this blog post, we will focus on how you can overcome impostor syndrome in a more...
Should You Always “Fake It Till You Make It”?

Should You Always “Fake It Till You Make It”?

What is “Impostor Syndrome”? “Fake it till you make it”, we’ve all have heard or seen this advice somewhere when it comes to becoming more confident at work. You might be struggling with the famous impostor syndrome – the wrong...